More than 20 percent of people over the age of thirty have varicose veins in the legs. The number of such women is much higher than men. 's Diseases considered not only medical but also social problem.
Because varicose veins in the legs lose so many working hours as well as the flu. Varicose veins (varices) in the legs can be called a disease of civilization. The most commonly occur in civilized countries.
That's the wrong way of life modern man. Restricted movement, lack of physical exercise, predominantly standing work, all that interferes with the normal flow of venous blood towards the heart. The movement allows normal blood circulation in the legs. When you start up the leg, or when only tightens the muscles of the legs, a man starts a certain amount of blood to the heart and blood pressure in the veins is reduced. It is called, "the muscular venous pump".
When people in my profession are mostly "muscle pump" is underutilized in the veins constantly falling behind certain amount of blood (the sellers, waiters). And gravity hinders the flow of venous blood towards the heart. It comes to a halt and an increase in blood pressure in the veins.
Valves, valves, veins give in to pressure and return smaller amounts of blood, and then increasing, which causes the expansion of the vein. The long-term increase in pressure in the veins leading to the increasing spread of the vein. Veins gradually lengthen and become meandering "like a snake".
If left untreated, the elongated veins online in a ball and incurred a large nodes (varicose nodes). Blood stasis extends back to the capillaries. Favourable that growing pressure in the blood capillaries in them comes less "fresh blood". Skin and subcutaneous tissue in that place get less food and oxygen. The skin gradually becomes thinner, malnourished, and in the end was as thin as pergamentpapira and painted brown. Finally, many want to completely disappear, so at that point create wounds, injuries or ulcer (ulcus cruris).
Varicose veins causing inflammation of the veins (phlebitis). Inflammation is always associated with blood clotting, thrombosis. A blood clot may partially or completely close the vein. Such a clot can break off and leave the blood stream and in more distant parts of the body and cause the tissue or organ in a shutdown of blood circulation (thromboembolism).
They are much less common cause of congenital defects in the veins, especially the valves, then less developed connective tissue, which is mainly families, so it speaks of "the weak connective tissue". Connective tissue is supportive, such as the bones, only the soft and fills the space between the body, connecting the organs and tissues and blood vessels follows.
And pregnancy can cause varicose veins because of the increased pressure in the abdomen (which is transferred to the large veins of the abdominal cavity) and due to general changes in the body for pregnancy (hormonal changes). Varicose veins can cause tumors, scars, cysts, because outside pressures and hinder blood flow.
The expansion involves mainly two main superficial vein: large and small saphenous vein. These veins are named precisely because it is easy to see if they are extended; the name comes from the Greek word safenes, meaning visible. Great saphenous vein goes inside of the leg, and the small veins outside. Great saphenous vein is associated with more than 50 branches with a deep, inner leg veins. Over the communicating veins associated with small grafts.
Varicose veins everyone see and recognize at first glance. Which way are the slight enlargement of a few inches, but can be a long and winding like a drill or a snake; extend from the feet to the upper part of the thigh. The smaller expansion need not cause significant problems. Women disfigures legs. But the slight enlargement can cause leg pain and extreme tiredness.
The pain increases at night, especially for menstruating. Due to the slight swelling in the lower legs come up tension, tightness and heaviness in the legs. There is a feeling that "ants going on my legs," a sense of burning, burning, tingling, itching. Occasionally produce a strong and painful muscle cramps legs. Swelling, especially in the ankle, appeared after a short and stand still. What time is difficult to wear shoes.
Treatment of varicose veins
Today there are many drugs to treat varicose veins. In most cases, these are the products of the pharmaceutical industry, but there are folk remedies, some drink, while others are made directly to the part of the skin where there are varicose veins. All drugs that are drinking only "additional resources". By taking only medicines, varicose veins can not be contained.
There are only two methods that can provide lasting results: surgical removal of diseased veins and treatment with injections directly into the affected vein, so-called. sklerozaciono treatment.
Treatment by injection is performed so that a patient receives a physician inject medication directly into the diseased vein. Vena is then wrapped with an elastic bandage that is worn for a few weeks since the last injection. With this process, the vein closes and her remains only a narrow glimpse of tissue. But all the veins can not be sklerozirati. If you are, eg., Deep veins closed (thrombosed), their function take superficial veins.
It is understandable that extend: they must facilitate the flow of much larger quantities of blood. Their destruction incurred to severe disorders of blood flow in the legs. Many doctors are not supporters of the method because the veins in a large percentage of re-expand. According to some data, up to 70 percent. With this process, the vein to create a blood clot (thrombus), which is gradually dissolved, and the dissolved one or two years to form a clot and vein channel again becomes passable.
The safest way to treat varicose veins operating procedure. 1800 years ago the Roman physician Galen blunt hook ripped varicose veins. Despite the fact that this method is very old, in many cases, irreplaceable and still gives the best results.
Some improvement in the beginning of the disease can be achieved by brief periods of rest with your feet. When sleep legs should be raised at least 10 cm. This procedure improves blood flow through the veins, which have been subjected to great strain due to prolonged standing or sitting.
For every bad leg should be placed at least two turns 5m long. The first bandage wrapped the foot, lower leg other substantial improvements can be achieved by using an elastic bandage. Elastic stockings are not as good as an elastic bandage. Elastic (compression) bandage prevents the spread of veins if properly applied.
The bandage is put only if the deep veins viable. It can identify the doctor. But I can be patient to establish. If after bandaging deteriorate disease, most likely to have deep vein closed. In this case, one should immediately contact your doctor.
Elastic bandage is put in the morning, still in bed, a skid and at bedtime. It should not be too tightly pinched because it can disrupt the blood supply to the legs, but it should be neither too tight to prevent swelling in the legs. Social movements are beneficial, as well as occasional holiday by putting your feet in an elevated position; it is called. mountain type of accommodation legs.
Physical exercise, certain mode of work and rest, sometimes even re-training, it is possible to prevent complications harder.