Initially, most of the bad breath resulting from eating garlic comes directly form the sulphuric compounds introduced into your mouth. Not only that, but garlic actually promotes the growth of come of the microbes in your mouth that already cause bad breath, which further exacerbates the problem. However, the problem will continue even after cleaning your mouth, due the fact that some of these sulphuric compounds get metabolised, eventually making their way into your blood stream. These compounds, particularly allyl methyl sulphide, get exuded through your pores and passed into the air that fills your lungs, making your breath stink even if you cleaned your mouth.
"Soft drink" classically referred to nearly all beverages that did not contain significant amounts of alcohol (hard drinks). The term "soft drink" is now typically used nearly exclusively for flavoured carbonated beverage thanks to advertising. Flavoured carbonated beverage makers were having hard time creating national advertisements due to fact that what one calls their product varies from region to region (soda, pop, fizzy drinks, coke, minerals etc). In order to get around this problem, for national advertising campaigns, these manufacturers agreed on using term "soft drinks"
the modern day orange carrot wasn't cultivated until Dutch growers in the late 16th century took mutant strains of the purple carrot, including yellow and white carrots, and gradually developed them into sweet, plump, orange variety we have today. Before this, pretty much all carrots were purple with mutated versions occasionally poping u including these yellow an white carrots, among others. These, however, were rarely cultivated due to typically being very this and not very good tasting.